Over recent years, Focus Infocom has been developing novel QoS metrics that leverage the unique properties of rail travel. These metrics provide a holistic view of the end-user's experience (QoE) for all types of telephony, including VoLTE and over-the-top services, and allow solid predictions for a variety of use case parameters based on measurement data. By extending the existing range of conventional QoS KPI, they describe the customer experience–and thereby the business value of good connectivity– more accurately and provide improved guidance for network optimization.

These novel QoS metrics were contributed to the international standardization community in ITU-T Study Group 12. This standard, ITU-T Recommendation G.1034, was approved by the ITU-T and is in force since January 13, 2020.

Focus Infocom continues to further evolve this line of work towards other services such as audio and video streaming and other services where continuity of network performance is an essential element of the perceived quality.

Based on decades of experience, we combine a mind for innovation with an approach centered on customer requirements, that enables us to offer task-specific solutions that are tailored to optimally support individual KPI and process requirements.

Focus Infocom is a Member of ETSI and Associate Member in ITU-T SG12

ETSI membership ITU Associate